Psalm of the Week
Hymn of the Week
“Preach You the Word" LSB 586
Learn-By-Heart Scripture
"Whoever feeds on my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up on the last day.” John 6:54
Daily Readings
Bible Narrative | Second Reading | |
Sun 2/23 | The Parable of the Sower and the Seed - Luke 8:4-15 | |
Mon 2/24 | St. Matthias, Apostle - Acts 1:15-26 | Matthew 11:25-30 |
Tue 2/25 | The Rebuilding of the Temple - Ezra 3:1-13 | 2 Peter 2:1-22 |
Wed 2/26 | Nehemiah's Prayer - Nehemiah 1:1-2:6 | 2 Peter 3:1-18 |
Thu 2/26 | Ezra Reads from the Torah - Nehemiah 7:73-8:12 | Jude 1:1-11 |
Fri 2/28 | The Israelites Confess Their Sins - Nehemiah 9:1-38 | Jude 1:12-25 |
Sat 3/1 | Sunday's OT and Epistle - 1 Samuel 16:1-13 | 1 Corinthians 13:1-13 |
Learn-By-Heart Catechism
The Sacrament of the Altar, LSB 326-327
What is the Sacrament of the Altar?
It is the true body and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ under the bread and wine, instituted by Christ Himself for us Christians to eat and to drink.
What is the benefit of this eating and drinking?
These words, “Given and shed for you for the forgiveness of sins,” show us that in the Sacrament forgiveness of sins, life, and salvation are given us through these words. For where there is forgiveness of sins, there is also life and salvation.
How can bodily eating and drinking do such great things?
Certainly not just eating and drinking do these things, but the words written here: “Given and shed for you for the forgiveness of sins.” These words, along with the bodily eating and drinking, are the main thing in the Sacrament. Whoever believes these words has exactly what they say: “forgiveness of sins.”
Prayer of the Week
O God, the strength of all who put their trust in You, mercifully grant that by Your power we may be defended against all adversity; through Jesus Christ, Your Son, our Lord, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.
Next Sunday's Readings
1 Corinthians 13:1-13